Traditional Estate Planning
Are you thinking of Estate Planning, but not sure how to get started?
Corriveau Law can prepare the following traditional documents:
- Last Will and Testament
- Durable Power of Attorney
- Personal Care Instructions
- Revocable Trust
Asset Protection
Concerned about protecting your assets due to a judgement against you or medical emergency which forces you into a nursing home?
Corrriveau Law can help protect your family assets.
- Irrevocable Trusts
- Trust Funding
- Avoiding Probate
Are you or a loved one faced with the possibility of being admitted to a nursing home or are there already?
Corriveau Law can answer your questions regarding admission, discharge, payment.
- MediCARE vs MedicAID
- MedicAID Application
- Crisis Care Planning
- Pre-Crisis Planning
Frequently Asked Questions
Answer: The question really should be: “Do I want to start planning now, or undergo crisis planning in the future?”
Answer: An Estate has no value; it encompasses all of the funds and property you would want to leave to someone.
Answer: A Will lays the framework for the distribution of your estate but may be challenged in Court. A Trust, however, actually funds the distribution and allows you to specify your distribution wishes without future challenge in Court by any of your heirs.
Answer: The question really should be: “Can I afford to not have an Estate Plan in place?” In reality, the cost of litigation heavily outweighs the cost of creating an Estate Plan ahead of time. Corriveau Law offers a menu of services that vary from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars depending on your particular needs.
Modern Estate Planning
Corriveau Law can also tailor modern estate planning for:
- Single individuals
- Unmarried couples
- Blended families
- LGBT couples
- Pets